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Teleprompters VideoDoska
We have not found a modern device on the market that meets all the trends.
Convenience. Mobility. Independence.
We have created our own teleprompter
And he meets all the trends
Remote control from any device
Customization flexibility
Beautiful design
A light weight
What are you getting?
Do you just want to read the text, and not learn a lot of material?
To get your camera to stand up without any problem?
Do you want the text to be bright and readable from a distance?
Could you control the text yourself?
On the contrary, for another person to do it?
Throw stuff straight from your phone?
This is all a teleprompter VideoDoska
For you, we have created our teleprompter in three versions
This is a combination of not only our own production of the device, but also software specially written to meet all the needs of a modern speaker.
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